About the Bug Reports category

This is a dedicated space to report software bugs you encounter while using WP Cerber. Your contributions help us continuously improve the security and functionality of WP Cerber.


  1. Search Before Posting: To avoid duplicates, please check if the bug has already been reported.

  2. Be Specific and Clear: Please provide as much detail as possible – what happened, under what circumstances, and any steps to replicate the issue. Include details like WP Cerber version, WordPress version, any relevant settings, and entries with PHP errors from the error log of your web server.

  3. Protect your data: Do not share sensitive or personal information in your bug report.

Got a workaround or a temporary fix? Share it! Your insights could provide immediate relief to fellow users.

Bug Bounty Program:

If you have discovered a vulnerability and are ready to report it privately, please follow this guide: https://wpcerber.com/bug-bounty-program/