Add IP daily to whitelist - JTL Wawi - WooCommerce

Hello community,

I use the JTL-Wawi to interact with my shop.
I also have two networks at home. So also two IPv4 addresses.
The ipv4 that I use to log in as admin is different to the one that Wawi uses.
At the moment I keep entering my JTL-IPv4 manually into the whitelist. But this is not an elegant solution in the long run.
Do you have any ideas on how I could simplify this?
REST API? Or share the connector’s directory?

Thanks for your help!
Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 08.13.22

Hi! Depending on your experience with software development, there are two options:

Option 1. For WordPress Developers: Using REST API

If you’re comfortable with WordPress development, the best solution is to use the REST API to connect WordPress and JTL-Wawi. The REST API lets your systems talk to each other over the internet, sharing data safely and conveniently. This approach needs some technical know-how and understanding of REST API, but it opens up broad possibilities for automating and simplifying your site management.

Option 2. For Non-Developers: Adjusting “Anti-spam” Settings

If you’re not into coding, you can still simplify things by adding the /index.php/jtlconnector/ path to the “Exclude these locations from scanning for spam” list in your “Anti-spam” settings. This will stop the system from scanning this path for spam and other unwanted activities, reducing false alerts and making access management easier. Here’s how to do it:

  • Select “Anti-spam” in the WP Cerber admin menu to open anti-spam settings.
  • Look for the setting field “Exclude these locations from scanning for spam”
  • Add /index.php/jtlconnector/ to the exclusion list.
  • Save settings