Can't change different IP addresses

Hello, good morning!

My IP address from " What Is My IP Address" is different than the one in “Your IP address has been detected as”. I followed the steps here:

But it didn’t work. I found steps 5 and 6 a litte confusing, maybe I’m putting the wrong code in wp-config.php. I pasted this define(‘CERBER_IP_KEY’, ‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’ ); in wp-config.php, nothing. Them I tried to put my IP from What’s my IP address instead of ‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’ and it didn’t work as well. I know I’m doing something wrong, can someone please help me to understand what is my mistake? Thanks in advance!

Hi! Do you see your IP address in the Server Environment Variables section on the Diagnostic tab?

Hi! Yes, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and HTTP_X_REAL_IP have the same IP as the field “Your IP address has been detected as” under System Info.

Enable My site is behind a reverse proxy in the Main Settings. Remove any lines containing CERBER_IP_KEY from the wp-config.php file.

Done, but nothing has changed :frowning:
The plugin displays a message with my detected IP Address, but it is the same IP detected before checking My site is behind a reverse proxy