Checksum Mitchmatch

Hello, I recently made a scan and I am getting the following message on many of your plugins PHP files: " [Checksum mismatch]??

I completely uninstalled WP Cerber and reinstalled it.
After the first scan, a lot Checksum mismatch (also in the plugin WP Cerber):

WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanVerified
	/wp-cerber/cerber-lab.php	Checksum mismatch
	High	32 KB	
	/wp-cerber/cerber-common.php	Checksum mismatch
	High	131 KB	
	/wp-cerber/cerber-settings.php	Checksum mismatch
	High	28 KB	

more and more :frowning:

From what website did you download the WP Cerber plugin?

We have identified the source of the issue and fixed it. The problem was caused by a glitch on one of our servers while we were preparing to release a new version of WP Cerber today. To resolve this issue on your website, please navigate to the ‘Diagnostic’ tab, scroll down to the ‘WP Cerber Cache’ section at the bottom of the page, and click ‘Clear’. Now you can run the scanner again.

@lin @Tomasz_W

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Hi @nick I’m not seeing the WP Cerber Cache option so I went and reinstalled the plugin. The errors are now gone. Thank you and I love the plugin!

Thank you @Tomasz_W for checking. I hope it is fixed now for you as well.

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