How do I clean scanning history of wpCerber?

I found out there quite big log files from my wpcerber after doing a few full scans, how do I clean them?

Could you clarify what you mean by “big log files”?

I am talking about database, specifically tables:
cerber_log - 1gb
cerber_traffic - 1.5gb
While my whole db is about 300mb… this is ridiculous.

Please follow this guide: and make sure that WordPress scheduled tasks are executing without errors, it should look like this:

yep, I cleaned those log files and things became MUCH better, I also am trying to limit them… But it feels like data in them was gathering for a year at least, though I will have to test it now.

As for hourly tasks, is there a way to set up them myself to change their frequency?

No. The frequency is hard-coded. I see no reason to have it changeable.

its super resource intensive, it actually loads my whole freaking server 50% (8cpu, 32gb ram), on a blog with 1000 users per day! I have less load on a server with 100 000 users per day. And it happens every hour!

Are you talking about WP Cerber’s hourly tasks? Please provide more details.