First of all, WP Cerber does not block search engine bots, including those from Google, from indexing a website. This is because WP Cerber has no code that prevents a website from being crawled by a bot.
Some people might complain based on the user agent string of a blocked IP they see in the log. I believe they have no idea that a user agent string is generated by the request sender and can hold any value, thus mimicking Google bots. There is no way to verify whether it is a Google bot or just a spammer based on the user agent string alone. However, we have seen legitimate concerns that an authentic Google bot was blocked due to attempts to submit a form or access private parts of a website. Here, I want to ask: What do these requests have to do with indexing your website? It’s more about the problem of Google trying to aggressively index everything they can reach, including private parts and documents on your site. Do website owners really want these in Google’s index? Aren’t there enough scandals related to data leaks enabled by Google’s indexing?
Another fair question is what makes a bot good and what makes it a bad one. Good bots use the REST API, while bad bots send POST requests to the home URL of a website. The WordPress REST API is well-documented and has been available for years, yet some vendors have not implemented this simple API in their products and continue using an outdated scheme of sending plain POST requests. It’s okay to use this type of request for some internal needs and bots, but if you offer a software product to millions of users worldwide, this is inappropriate and obsolete technology.
Let’s talk about WP Cerber. When detecting bots, whether good or bad, false positives are unavoidable. Different anti-spam algorithms provide different results and thus different false positive rates. By the way, reCAPTCHA is no exception here Since WP Cerber’s anti-spam algorithms are stricter than those of an average anti-spam plugin for WordPress, it’s possible to see a bit more false positives than some might expect. Simply put, WP Cerber can sometimes unintentionally block good bots. There is no technical way to distinguish between good bots and bad ones except the one I mentioned above. Bots are bots. If WP Cerber detects a bot doing quirky things, it blocks the bot. Only a website admin can determine if this particular bot activity is OK for their website. You can view all bad bot events using the Spam Events filter on the Activity tab.
If you come across a situation where WP Cerber blocks a good old-school bot that submits data to your website without using the REST API, you should add an exception for such a bot. In the WP Cerber settings, you can configure several types of exceptions for the anti-spam engine. We recommend using them in the following order of preference: URL-based, HTTP header-based, or IP-based.
Complaints about good bots being blocked are not exclusively related to WP Cerber. For example, on the Zapier website regarding Wordfence, they directly recommend disabling a security plugin in favor of their own product. What a piece of wisdom!
Some people go further, preferring convenience over security, and have no security plugin in place. I would say that improper use of Zapier is a serious issue in terms of privacy and security. People use Zapier to submit personal data indiscriminately without authentication or any form of verification of where and what they send. The correct way to implement such basic security measures is by using authentication tokens in the HTTP header generated by Zapier.