Mixed translations in the frontend

Hello I have my wordpress site configured in Spanish, even the Cerber menu in the backend works perfectly in Spanish, the problem is that for example when logging in the translations are mixed with the English.


Error : The password you entered for the usernameUSER is incorrect. ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña?

You have 9 login attempts remaining.

Note: this happens everywhere I tested the plugin.

Hi! Is the WordPress login form correctly rendered in Spanish? The untranslated part of the phrase is taken from the WordPress core. It’s not the native part of WP Cerber per se.

Hi, thanks for the reply, yes it is completely fine, the only thing that is not translated is the text that adds Wp Cerber.

In the screenshot is the example.

It’s an interesting issue. We’ve identified where it comes from. There will be a fix in the next version. In the meantime, we recommend ensuring that all Spanish translation files for both WooCommerce (which it appears you are using) and WordPress are fully installed. This step might help mitigate the translation issue until our update is available.

Hi, thanks for the reply and I will await the update.

Both updates: Wordpress + Woocommerce are installed and working properly.

Thanks for the support.