@Garry i’ve many issues on my website downloading translations.
Loop downloading for GB translation, not found for others (see the previous screenshot)
Any solutions or fix ?
@Garry i’ve many issues on my website downloading translations.
Loop downloading for GB translation, not found for others (see the previous screenshot)
Any solutions or fix ?
Not found translation update :
Infinite loop translation update :
Hi! By what means are you trying to update translations? You should see messages like this one (no wordpress-es_ES):
is defined. If it is, ensure that it includes downloads.wpcerber.com
Very interresting, in this website i’m using WPML for translation, maybe there is a conflict ?
WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS is not defined on my websites
EDIT : i find some wordpress-es files in the /wp-content/langages folder, last edit from 2023… i remove them and now that working.
Same solution for EN GB loop update, i was some old translation files in the /langages/ folder. I fix the issue by removing them
Thank you
Still not fixed - after update I see the message:
Updating translations for WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan (en_GB)…
Translation updated successfully.
Go to WordPress Updates page
but when I reload the page or follow the link to go to Updates again, the update is still there as if not installed at all.
PHP error log is full of errors:
[17-Feb-2025 12:17:00 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "en_GB" in /www/doc/<sitename>/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-common.php on line 5572
Hi! Please enable “Use English for the plugin admin pages” on the “Main Settings” tab. We’ll release an update this week.
I enabled the “Use English for the plugin admin pages”, but nothing has changed: translation update does not install, error message in the log is still the same.
I’ll wait for the update.
I am also having issues with WP Cerber Translation. I deactivated the plugin in an effort to update translation. While deactivated, translation did update fine with success. But as soon as WP Cerber is activated again, the previously successful translation update is undone, requiring another update.