Translation download issues

Since the latest version, wordpress is always giving an error downloading the cerber translations:
“Not Found” is returned, and the update “counter” in wordpress stays at 1 (indicating some update is indeed available).

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What is the language (locale) set on your website?

The locale is nl_BE here. Older versions of WP Cerber didn’t have this issue, so it is related to the new AI translation mechanism I guess.

You are right. The AI refused to translate and demanded more chocolate. We’ll sort it out today.

Hello, I’m having the same issue with a local French language translation.
Here is the message:

Mise à jour de la traduction de WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan (en_AU)…

Le téléchargement a échoué. Not Found

Hello there, yes i’ve some error into downloading some translations :

And a more important error, FATAL ERROR for the french translation when we try to access to the rules settings on all my websites (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cerber-rules)

Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 5011 du fichier /xxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/admin/cerber-dashboard.php. Message d’erreur : Uncaught ArgumentCountError: 3 arguments are required, 2 given in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5011
Stack trace:
#0 /xxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/admin/cerber-dashboard.php(5011): sprintf('Certains pays n...', '```

Thanks for reporting the issue, we are working on it.

Fixed. If translations were not updated automatically, update them using Tableau de bord > Mises à jour > Traductions.

I’ve tried updating translations but they are still failing with ‘Not Found’ error. Additionally this error is displaying in back end:
Warning: Undefined array key “en_AU” in \wp-content\plugins\wp-cerber\cerber-common.php on line 5572
My language is English Australian

I have the same issue with downloading the translations. My local is (en_ZA)

Hello again, i my case it’s fixed now :slight_smile: thank you

How can i help from translate the WP Cerber plugin into french ? Because there is a lot of english words using 2FA feature

Thanks for offering, you can join the translation project here:

It’s been fixed today.

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I still had problems. I do the update translations and it says translations have updated successfully but when I go to plugins page I still have the Warning: Undefined array key “en_AU” in \wp-content\plugins\wp-cerber\cerber-common.php on line 5572 error, and it says translations need updating again.
I have done the translation update 5 times now but no difference

THEN I deactivated cerber, did the translations and then re-activated cerber.
That worked!

Thanks to your help, we found a minor bug in the plugin code. It’ll be fixed in the next release, so you can safely ignore it for now.

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There were unexpected limitations imposed by the translation platform, but now the limitations have been removed.

Thanks Garry, I’ve added some translations. But I think there’s a problem with the 2FA ones.
The French translations have already been established and confirmed for a few years for this feature, but as you can see from my screenshot, the whole 2FA page is still in English (even though all the strings are already translated) :

Hello there, the issue “Not found” still active in my main website :

Any fix about that ? Same problem here